The Indian Learning, Volume 1, Issue 1 (2020) (e-ISSN: 2582-5631)



A Digital Magazine on Law and Artificial Intelligence, ‘The Indian Learning’ is a special magazine that features efforts to encourage articles and pieces in the field of AI, Business Ethics, Law and Tech as a whole. We publish our position statements, general updates and further developments that are connected with the ecosystem of artificial intelligence ethics.

This is the Volume 1, Issue 1 of the Magazine (digital edition).

Featured in this Issue

Policy Analysis: Asilomar AI Principles, EDW 2017

India’s Model of Internet Governance: A Highlight

How “Mind-Reading” AI Systems Are Different than What We Have Seen in the AI Industry

Interview with Helen Edwards, Sonder Scheme

A Commentary on ‘How to Design AI for Social Good: 7 Essential Factors’ by Luciando Floridi et al.

“Gamification” of Recruitment Process: A Potential Disruption or A Hype?

An Analysis of Recommendation CM/Rec(2020)1 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe

IPR – The invisible hand at the helm of Information Technology Industry’s Business Strategy

Artificial Intelligence Needs Law Regulation