Indo-US Relations and the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI’s) Interim Report and the Third Quarter Recommendations



The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) submitted its third interim report to the United States Congress and the Presi- dent’s office on 13th October, 2020, which also included the recommendations made by the NSCAI towards the steps that are imperative for the United States of America to take when it comes to becoming a world leader in Artificial Intel- ligence. The Commissioners presiding over the drafting of the report extensively deliberated upon innumerable ways which could help America establish itself as a world leader in AI. The Commission extensively deliberated and drafted a comprehensive report consisting of 66 approved recommendations amongst the innumerable recommendations which were put forth. These 66 recommendations involved non-partisan recommendations for both the executive and the legislative branches of the US Government and the drafting committee was of the opinion that the Congress and the President’s office should take immediate steps in order to implement the recommendations made by the NSCAI.

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